Glycerin itself is not bad. Also known as glycerol or glycerine, this ingredient is a colorless liquid that can be found in all natural fats (both plant and animal). In fact it’s depends on the climate you live in and the source. I recommend sticking with a plant base source such a vegetable (vegetable oil) vs animal glycerin (fat)Glycerin. (* more on this animal fat source later. )

Glycerin is a humectant. Which can be a great thing when used properly. When used in a atmosphere with high levels of humidity your hair with retain more moisture. If the atmosphere is drier than your hair you may wanna avoid it. In drier climates the air will draw moisture from your hair which can cause it to be drier. Conversely, in really dry conditions, glycerin will actually draw moisture from your hair. This leaves your hair drier than it would have been without it. So avoid using products containing glycerin in dry climates with low humidity and dew points. Avoid using glycerin on freshly color treated hair or applying to hair before heat styling. Glycerin should be used as a finishing product to seal in moisture.

While not necessarily a “con”, one should be cautious and read labels when shopping for glycerin.. If that isn’t scary enough, many products with “glycerin” as an ingredient can be sourced from a synthetic form which is typically produced from epichlorohydrin. This synthetic glycerin often delivers similar benefits to its natural counterparts but comes with major risks. Epichlorohydrin is a toxic chemical, classified as a possible carcinogen. It’s best to shop brands that say “USP Grade”, “non-GMO”, or “Kosher certified” on the labels.

Plant-based (Vegetable Oil)

Vegetable glycerine has a texture similar to an oil or syrup due to its organic makeup. This is often used is used in food applications and household products. Such as lotions, shampoos, and toothpastes. Coming from plants makes it Vegan and suitable for consumption.

Animal bases (Fat)

The tallow (Which comes from beef or mutton fat) is mixed with water and is heated over medium to low temperature till it is thick. Then, the mixture is cooled overnight in the refrigerator. The hardened mixture then can be either boiled to remove excess water or strained to remove impurities and can even be used as it is in soaps, lotions, or hair products. Which is why it's so important to pay attention to the labels and make sure your glycerin is plant-based.

Suggested Products that contain Kosher Vegetable Ingredients:

Plant Based haircare

*Research material taken from Glycerin: Friend or Foe? - Academy of Hair Design


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