What is Hair Porosity?

What does it all mean? Knowing the difference can greatly affect the way you use your products. In this blog post I will break it down for you

〰Low porosity

Hair that does not allow moisture in or out. If dropped in water it float on top. This type of hair takes awhile to absorb water and products will appear to sit on top. Steam treatments are your friend along with regular deep conditioning to impart supportive help to your cuticle. When used with a hydrating layer of conditioner and a oil blend this will greatly help you to capture the greatness of your hair.

〰Normal porosity

Hair that allows porosity in and holds it for a good amount of time. Leave in treatment is your friend. Using a water based leave in conditioner with the right balance of hydration is a win for you! I suggest sticking with aloe based products. Not only does aloe seal in hydration but it also protects your hair from heat styling and sun damage.

〰High Porosity

Hair that stays wet a long time not because of normal porosity but because of damage to the cuticle. This is because your cuticle has large gaps and openings. Doing weekly conditioning and rinsing with lukewarm water are your friend. Your hair is thirsty for treatment. Clay masks that contain the perfect Ph blend will repair the imbalance without stripping your hair dry. It will also fill in the gaps making hair appear fuller and thicker.

I hope this blog has given you some insight when it comes to choosing products for your hair and its porosity.

~Low Porosity recommendations:

Root Growth Elixir for dry hair

Kiss Hair Steamer Amazon

Silicone free Hydrating Conditioner Amazon

~Normal Porosity recommendations

Hydrating Aloe Leave In Conditioner Amazon

Hydrating Aloe Shampoo Amazon

~High Porosity recommendations

Hair Repair Mask



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